Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Did I forget to post *again*?
Here's why:


29th March 2001

[insert actual quiz here....]

Comments, queries, abuse etc to be directed to Dave or Charlotte

No mobile phones, fax machines, pagers, PDAs, ham radios, GPS receivers or portable encyclopaedias please, or we'll set Emily on you, you cheating bastards.
(No animals were harmed in the making of this quiz)
If you're bothering to read this, you've waaaay too much time on your hands

They won't know what hit them...

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Terror bombing
I was chatting to a lad from Kassel yesterday and he mentioned that his home town wasn't really the prettiest of places, full of grim 50's architecture, mainly because the Allies had pretty much razed it to the ground in the autumn of 1944. Apparently there is only one - one! - building over fifty years old in the city centre. So the question arose in my head just now as to why armies bomb cities at all, what with the high probability of civilian casualties etc. A quick Google search brought up this chilling article. In short: that's exactly why they do it. Aren't humans great?

Tuesday, March 20, 2001

du -kc a UNIX/Linux/*BSD command which, in this case, returns the total disk usage (ie size) of any given folder and its subfolders, in kilobytes. I just looked at how much space my web folder is taking up and ohdearieme...

I've got the fear of god all of a sudden, so it's been decided: the Junk page is going in a few days, and with it the contents, all 73 MB's worth. Pay attention, Rob and Andrea: this is your last chance to get anything you want out of there! I might keep a few of the best, like the Matrix farting vid, the explantion of the word "fuck" and so on, but the rest will be purged mercilessly. Most of them are crap anyway and god knows how many duplicates there are. Any attachments I get in my mail from now on will be held up there for probably not longer than a week, just so that I can get a chance to download them myself - which was the original function of that page anyway.

Monday, March 19, 2001

Palm and her V sisters
You know something, I came very close to scripting a version of this site suitable for AvantGo just now. But then I realised how much work brain-power would be required and I thought "Nah, sod it - I'll go for a pizza instead".

But before I go, guess who's gone all mushy on us! Apparently she doesn't even dig UNIX. On a tangential note, my favourite sig that I've seen on Slashdot is: "UNIX? They're probably not even circumcised. Savages".


Sunday, March 18, 2001

Lech mich; ich war beschäftigt
I don't know how true this is of anyone else, but the frequencies of my postings are in inverse proportion to the scale/importance of my activities in the real world, ie. the more of a life I have, the less I blog.

I bought one of these, in "ice" (clear plastic to you). Technically, I can't afford it but this at least will force me to stay in my job until I've earned it back. Consider it an advance. It's frightfully cool, though. Same memory and innards as this, not quite as pretty and lacking a rechargeable battery (2x AAA, alas), but pretty much half the price. I've a meg and a half's worth of newspapers to trawl through now, and later on I'm going to install the Gameboy emulator!!!. Toys rule.

Thursday, March 15, 2001

Sunrise! Accckkkk, I'm meltiiiingggg...
Well whaddaya know, I managed to get up, unlike last week. I hate this job already.

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

[1674][22:37 11/03][][ $HTTP_REFERER ]

This is definitely the best refer I've ever got. Who at thinks Dave Green is a wanker? Who, indeed, is Dave Green? A slightly more focused search on my part came up with this Dave Green. His page is W3C compliant and his hobbies are coxing, cricket and croquet. Maybe, just maybe.

But a little more digging (ie. scrolling) unearths this Dave Green who even has a spoof page devoted to him and this is the very same Dave Green from whom I (and thousands others) get my weekly Need To Know mail.

Does this, like, make me famous or something?

Update: ...and why did Win98 BSOD immediately after I blogged this? Dark forces are at work, methinks.

Monday, March 12, 2001

"Hewlett-Packard, for instance, certifies its Omnibooks for Linux. The company doesn't sell laptops complete with Linux, but the configuration is certified to accept the OS. Linux developers already have been setting up such laptops, said Webb McKinney, vice president of the personal computing organization at HP."
(from C|Net)

So why can't I get XFree86 up? Oh yeah, I forgot - I'm lame...

By the way: note the time of this post, people! This is against the very Law of Nature herself!

Sunday, March 11, 2001

Playin' Solitaire 'til dawn...
I have this great tendency to get really absorbed in anything not related to an upcoming deadline, absorption being directly proportional to said deadline, hence my having got really good at Solitaire over the last 48 hours. I have my first class tomorrow and I'm a tad nervous, pathetically enough. There's quite a bit of preparation to be done on my part beforehand and yet...and yet I really can't be bothered. Other times it's been this and other web-pages, Quake, a good book or just plain old getting pissed in the pub. Those who know me well will instantly recognise the same self-destructive tendency that caused me to fail second year in college, not to mention the likelihood of it happening again this year. I am in dire need of motivation. Any takers? (not Caz).

And yesterday I actually did play Solitaire 'til dawn...
Eye candy
Helena's redesigned a bit. V pretty (even in Netscape).

Saturday, March 10, 2001

Poutain du merde
Gotta love those crazy Brits!
Gotta love those crazy Irish!

Links shamelessly ripped from NTK.
Shut Down TMB!
I wonder if The Misanthropic Bitch is running out of steam? At the height of her powers she attracted quite a bit of attention, both good and bad, for her articles on everything from politics to censorship to stupid names for kids - and then there are the teen mothers... There's a wealth of articles stretching all the way back to '97 and some are absolute classics.

Today she put up her first article in two months, in reply to a mail from yet another irate reader and once again on the teen mothers subject. Funny and all as it is, one wonders just how far you can flog this one topic. Maybe it'll pick up. Join her mailing list and you can keep tabs.

Thursday, March 08, 2001

So says Babelfish. To see just how bad it can get once you cycle from English to German and back again a few times, look at this.

Shouldn't I have been at work at 7am today? Didn't I wake up at 12? Isn't this a bad thing? So I'm a little ill, nothing I can't ha- (collapses into furious coughing fit, during which time face goes from red to purple). Somebody bring me an aspirin, for the love of God!

Here's something every man needs to know. Ta, Rob.

Wednesday, March 07, 2001

[1458][23:17 06/03][][]

<Adam-uk> I made a visit to your page and I think it is downright awful I am going to scoop out your brain with a sharp hook for making such an atrocious website.

Adam-uk is

Isn't this sort of thing, like, illegal? (The threat, not the editorial comment...) Couldn't I call LineOne and give abuse? Could I not, in fact, should I wish to pursue the matter, get him arrested? Little (expletives deleted) like this are the reason that parents and politicians get in such a lather over their kids using the internet. Argh!

Monday, March 05, 2001

My, er, thousands of loyal readers will no doubt have noticed the shiny new addition a few days ago on the right of this page. Having just tweaked it to include the date of inclusion too (this involves me writing it down by hand, mind!), I reckon it's done. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Memepond. Inspired in name and function (albeit considerably simpler) by this, it's just a place where I'll be dumping cool links I find, and consists of the most recent entries on the right-hand column of most of the pages, backed up by the entire (and currently rather small) collection in an archive. And yes, the right-hand bar showing the most recent and the archive page both run off the same source.

In other news, Cliph has ditched Blogger in favour of Greymatter for his 'blogging activities, so well done there. There are also unsubstantiated rumours of a joint CDU/LeSinge ( design effort for our mothership's site. It's all very exciting.

Sunday, March 04, 2001

Smoking? Why no, officer
So Elaine, who'd been gracing Karlsruhe with her presence for the last 10-ish days, is on the plane back to Ireland as we speak - assuming she's capable of standing upright. We celebrated her last night (she's pissing off finally!) by staying at Highlander and then going back to Les and James' place (and if you don't know any of these people, deal with it) at 8:30am on a Sunday and partaking of some Grade A Class B herbs. The word "debauchery" springs to mind. Some serious body-clock readjustment is now in order. At least I got to sleep this afternoon, though; the intrepid traveller is probably hallucinating now...

With the departure last week of that other loser (who apparently lives 50yds from this week's loser), we are again reduced to three Corkonians: myself, the other Blonde and the Hustler. If/when I can be bothered, one of these days I'll do a lovely "My Friends in Karlsruhe" page with pretty pictures and everything so you'll be able to put faces to all these names when I start libelling them etc.

On a different note, here's something funny at This Is My D.N.A..

Saturday, March 03, 2001

Broadcast Message from
(/dev/ttypd) at 23:06 GMT...


Broadcast Message from
(/dev/ttyp1) at 23:07 GMT...



That's our Clifford, always a stickler for the correct misspelling.

Friday, March 02, 2001

Broken clocks and other stories
Crap day. As soon as my flatmate buggers off out of this room I'm attacking a half bottle of cheap red; that'll cheer me up. Canonical alcoholism, if only for an evening. Cliph's depressed too, and we're sitting here trading melancholia through CSD. I'm starting to feel better already - and did I mention that Cliph and I have never met in real life?